Mathematics is a fundamental subject that is essential for many Science and Engineering disciplines and applications. It is a challenging and rewarding course which builds upon the higher level GCSE topics such as Algebra and Trigonometry. Having a deep and strong understanding of these topics will allow you to access and see the beauty and power of the Mathematics and its use as a tool to solve complex problems that occur in the world around us. It will also allow you to access the highest grades in this qualification.
The QR (Quick response) code system is a two-dimensional matrix bar code that contains error correction codes based upon polynomials, which are studied in the Pure Mathematics section of the course. This section also includes the transformation of curves which can be used to model the curve of Golden Gate Bridge as well as Logarithms which are used in Astronomy to help with very large numbers.
The aim of A-Level Mathematics is to:
- Develop a deeper understanding of the mathematical processes used to solve problems and foster confidence and enjoyment.
- Extend the range of mathematical skills and techniques and use them in more complex and unstructured problems.
- Experience the beauty of the mechanics of Mathematics and ‘how things just fit together’.
- Recognise where Mathematics is a tool to help understand the processes in other subjects such as Science, Engineering and Art.
- Recognise how a situation may be represented mathematically and understand the relationship between real world problems and other mathematical problems and how these can be refined and improved in order to increase accuracy.
- Acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators, iPads and computers effectively, and recognise when such use may be inappropriate and to be aware of their limitations.
- Develop an awareness of the relevance of Mathematics to other fields of study, the world of work and to society in general.
- Take increasing responsibility for your own learning and evaluation of your own mathematical development.
The areas studied in A-Level Mathematics overlap with many other A-Level courses such as Engineering, Product Design, Physics, Chemistry and Business. Studying A-Level Mathematics requires a disciplined, logical, resilient and creative mind. It is academically challenging, as a consequence it requires a highly committed attitude to studies. Success however, will open many doors to an extremely large number of degree courses and financially rewarding career opportunities.
Complementary Subjects.
As a lead STEM A Level demonstrating key analytical skills, logic and reasoning, A Level Mathematics complements any other A Level or BTEC course.
Product Design Chemistry Physics Further Maths Biology Business Studies EnglishCareer Pathways.
Through the study of A-Level Mathematics there are many career pathways which are available to students including going onto University to study for a degree in Mathematics, Dentistry, Medicine, Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Accountancy, Project Management, Optometry and Sports Science. This is not an exhaustive list and there are many other financially rewarding career choices which can be made following the completion of the A-Level Mathematics qualification.
A-Level Mathematics is not only a minimum requirement for most university degrees, it also relates to nearly all other A-Level subjects. The types of careers that lead on from A-Level Mathematics are some of the most interesting and well paid available. For me it is my most valuable A-Level because it is compulsory for entry into any engineering degree. I am aspiring to go into the field of aerospace/aeronautical engineering, so Mathematics is crucial to every aspect of the job.
- Aminah BibiI find Mathematics stimulating and a good challenge. Although at times I do struggle with the level of Mathematics, it is taught to a very high standard with the teachers always available to help and assist the students that need it.
- Khadijah MahmoodIf you require further information on any aspect of the course you should contact the following:

The A-Level Mathematics qualification is a two year course with all examinations being sat at the end of the second year. There are no coursework elements to this qualification.
Teaching Units, Assessment Method and Weighting.
• Algebra and Functions
• Coordinate Geometry in the (x,y) plane
• Sequences and Series
• Trigonometry
• Exponentials and Logarithms
• Differentiation
• Numerical Methods
• Vectors
2 hour written examination
100 marks total
• Paper 1 and paper 2 may contain questions on any topics from the Pure Mathematics content.
• Students must answer all questions.
• Calculators can be used in the assessment.
• Statistical Sampling
• Data presentation and interpretation
• Probability
• Statistical Distributions
• Statistical hypothesis testing
Section B - Mechanics
• Quantities and units in Mechanics
• Kinematics
• Forces and Newton’s Laws
• Moments
100 marks total
• Paper 3 will contain questions on topics from the Statistics content in section A and the Mechanics content in section B.
• Students must answer all questions.
• Calculators can be used in the assessment.