Structure of Trust and associated Groups
Key Documents / Links
Terms Of Reference Of Leadership And Finance Strategy Forum
Terms Of Reference For Learning And Progress Strategy Forum
Terms Of Reference Of Industry Advisory Group
Terms Of Reference Of Parent Advisory Group
Responsibilities of the Governing board
Board Members
*DOI - Declarations of Interest
UTC Trust Members

Chair of Governors
Professor Stephen Garrett joined Aston University as Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences in March 2022. Prior to this he had been an academic at the University of Leicester since 2006. At Leicester, Stephen held several leadership positions including Head of the School of Mathematics & Actuarial Science and Head of the School of Engineering.
Stephen has always worked at the boundary of applied mathematics with other disciplines and has a particular interest in the development of mathematical and computational solutions to real-world problems. He is primarily known as a fluid dynamicist but has also authored two educational books on actuarial science, reflecting time spent in the actuarial sector after his PhD.
As an academic leader, Stephen is particularly keen to develop synergies between teaching and research activities and believes the two should always be closely intertwined within the HE sector. He is also a firm believer in creating environments in which staff can develop and thrive in their careers.
Having grown up in the West Midlands, Stephen is proud to have returned home to lead the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences at Aston.
Stephen is an employee of Aston University. Related Party Transactions: Aston University as a sponsor to the UTC provides 'at cost' services to the UTC including, Payroll, HR, Car Parking, and student sports facilities.

Head of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SEAS, Aston University
Paul started his research career at Aston in 1994 as a PhD student studying high speed optical telecommunications in the early days of what would become the world renowned Photonics Research Group.
After graduating in 1997 he continued this work at Aston as a Post Doc. In May 2002 along with co-workers, he left the university to form a spin-out project Marconi-Solstis to commercialise his research work. Paul was a Senior Development Engineer on this project working on system design, test and field installation. Following the first field deployment of their 1.6Tb/s 3000km system he continued with Marconi as Photonic System Test Manager.
Paul is a founding member of AUEA's Pre-opening Board and has chaired AUEA's Disciplinary Board since 2012.
DOI: - Paul is an employee of Aston University. Related Party Transactions: Aston University as a sponsor to the UTC provides 'at cost' services to the UTC including, Payroll, HR, Car Parking, and student sports facilities.

COO, Aston University
Richard Billingham is the Director of HR and Organisational Development at Aston University. He has extensive experience working with leaders and organisations, across public and private sectors, both in the UK and internationally, to bring about change.
He has previously held a number of executive level roles focusing on leading complex workforce and culture change. He joined Aston from Bristol City Council where he was Director of Human Resources and Change.
Richard has previously been a Chair of Governors at a local primary school. He is recognised by friends and colleagues as an out and out, total enthusiast (and cricket fan)! He is passionate about working with organisations and people, to help them become the very best that they can be.
DOI - Trustee of the Aston University Pension Scheme. Richard is an employee of Aston University. Related Party Transactions: Aston University as a sponsor to the UTC provides 'at cost' services to the UTC including, Payroll, HR, Car Parking, and student sports facilities.

Senior Associate, Cundall
Peter Hazzard, Associate Director at Cundall
Peter is a Chartered Mechanical Design Engineer with 29 years of engineering consultancy experience covering services design from inception to completion on a wide range of projects, in the commercial, education, residential, retail, leisure, transport and defence sectors. Currently Peter is focusing his career on providing excellent designs in the education sector. He has delivered seminars on the experiences he has gained from the use of the DCSF’s Carbon Calculator, and on how to achieve zero carbon schools by 2016. He was heavily involved in Birmingham BSF, of which AUEA was one of the delivered schemes, and is currently involved in a number of school projects under the ESFA’s Priority schools building programme (PSBP). He has also been involved with many other further education college and university projects. Within Cundall he has a particular interest in delivering innovative low energy design solutions and champions Best Practice initiatives and improving the quality of project deliverables.
Peter graduated from the University of Hertfordshire in 1996 with a BEng(Hons) in Building Services Engineering. In 2005 he undertook a distance learning MSc in Energy and Sustainable Building Design at DeMontfort University, graduating in 2008 with distinction. He is a Member of CIBSE and is a Chartered Engineer.
DOI - Director at Cundalls which provides M&E Consultancy. Cundalls provided M&E contract for original AUEA Build in 2012 and subsequent advice and guidance linked to M&E since 2012. Cundalls have tendered for M&E contract for AUEA new extension in 2022.

CEO of Auctus Management Group Limited
Richard has worked with the recruitment and people training and development sector since 1987, including 10 years as Regional Director for Adecco before moving to Carillion Plc to launch SkyBlue which he grew to a £118M turnover in 9 years within the rail and civil infrastructure sector. In May 2012, Richard set up Auctus Management Group, purchased Rail Safety Solutions Ltd (RSS) who are a rail contractor and safety critical labour provider, then formed Auctus Training Solutions Ltd to meet the skills gap in the rail sector training apprentices, NEET’s, unemployed, ex-offenders and armed forces leavers.
As a local entrepreneur, Richard has extensive knowledge in setting strategy, driving change management processes, business development and leading multi-million pound companies.
DOI: Richard is Chief Executive Officer for Auctus Management Group LTD including RSS Infrastructure and INFRA Skills Ltd of which AUEA purchases services and work experience places via the DFE T Level Capacity Delivery Fund.

Director of Operations College of Engineering & Physical Sciences Aston University
Director of Operations, Aston University
Vice-Chair Governors Learning and Progress Forum - Aston University Engineering Academy
DOI: Employer nominated Trustee - AUPS (Aston University Pension Scheme). Aman is an employee of Aston University. Related Party Transactions: Aston University as a sponsor to the UTC provides 'at cost' services to the UTC including, Payroll, HR, Car Parking, and student sports facilities.

Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering, School of Life and Health Sciences
Dr Antonio Fratini,
Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of the Department of Mechanical, Biomedical and Design Engineering.
Antonio has an Electronic engineering background, who then further specialised in Bioengineering and Health Care Services Management. He successfully coordinated various research projects with industrial and academic international partners (e.g. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, TSEM SpA, University of Naples Federico II etc.) and has a long track record of internationally recognized research.
DOI: Antonio is an employee of Aston University. Related Party Transactions: Aston University as a sponsor to the UTC provides 'at cost' services to the UTC including, Payroll, HR, Car Parking, and student sports facilities.

Designated Safeguarding Governor
Having spent 15 years working for the local authority, Sarah successfully completed a midwifery degree at the University of Birmingham and subsequently practiced as a midwife for the NHS. For reasons close to home, Sarah developed a keen interest in mental health issues and subsequently returned to university in 2015 to complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health. She then re-trained as a Specialist Midwife for mental health.
Whilst very challenging at times, the role gave Sarah tremendous experience in dealing with patients that have been experiencing difficult times in their lives, and a deep understanding of many of the causes and treatments. Part of this role involved working with other support agencies including Social services as required. The role gave Sarah an important level of knowledge and experience in liaising and dealing with many different Health Professionals.
During 2017 Sarah decided to complete a Mental Health First Aid Trainer course to put her in a position to be able to train and develop others. This training has broadened her knowledge and skills, and importantly helped develop a clear understanding of the effects that poor mental health can have on an employee whilst at work, and their effectiveness in their role. Training in the workplace is imperative and Sarah is passionate about helping to change people’s perceptions, broaden their knowledge, and reduce the impact that mental health issues can have on an employee’s contribution in the workplace. In addition to running her own business, she is also an Associate Trainer for the British Safety Council.
In addition to training, Sarah is the Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead at a large school in Worcestershire. She is responsible for the training of staff and parents, as well as supporting the students on a daily basis. The roles primary responsibility is to ensure the school meets the children’s Mental Health and well-being needs, and to liaise with community mental health teams as required.
Sarah continues to work as a Specialist Midwife in Perinatal Mental Health and as a Community Midwife when time permits.
Sarah is a mother of two and in her spare time she exercises with Be Military Fit and will be running for a Charity at the London Marathon in 2021.
DOI: None

Tejinder is a qualified accountant with extensive financial management experience in both the NHS and higher education sectors. He has hands on experience of managing risk, assessing financial performance, scrutinising accounts and budget management.
Tejinder is a strong believer that an excellent education should be available to all children regardless of background or personal circumstances and wants them to be happy and confident and become the very best they can be.
DOI: Tejinder is an employee of Aston University. Related Party Transactions: Aston University as a sponsor to the UTC provides 'at cost' services to the UTC including, Payroll, HR, Car Parking, and student sports facilities.

Parent Governor
An Aston University alumnus in Pharmacy, Atique has held a portfolio career across the hospital sector primarily, but also primary care and retail. Atique has worked at chief pharmacist level, with ensuing statutory responsibilities to the trust board. Currently working in a governance role for a hospital trust.
Atique bringa a unique blend of diplomatic assertiveness and positive thinking, coupled with lateral thinking skills to generate new ideas. His clinical expertise, combined with technical and operational proficiency, has enabled him to build and maintain excellent working relationships across various organizational levels and external regional and national entities.