By Car or Motorbike.

Dropping Off

AUEA does not have a designated drop off point due to its location on the large Aston University Campus and therefore parents should always ensure students are dropped off in a suitable and safe location around the campus. Ideally suited locations are on either side of Aston Street and outside the Sack of Potatoes pub on Woodcock Street.

This is by kind arrangement with the University and we therefore request that parents are courteous to users when pulling over and that students conduct themselves to the highest standard when walking around campus.

Parents should not drop students off on Lister Street immediately outside AUEA or at the pull in area for 2 Lister Street as this is a designated double yellow line area and presents a hazard to traffic.


Due to our Birmingham city centre location and to maximise the size of the building and facilities for our students, AUEA only has a small private car park. This has limited space for staff and therefore students and parents are unable to park on site.

  • We kindly request that any parent attending meetings with a member of staff should source alternative parking.

  • However if you require a disabled car parking space please contact AUEA Main Reception.

  • There is alternative pay car parking nearby within 5minutes’ walk of our site. We also recommend that visitors use public transport wherever possible.

  • Parking is available pay and display on Holt and Woodcock Street. Both require registration via phone/app. Please allow additional time if using this facility.

Student Motorbike

There are a small number of Motorbike spaces at AUEA. These are allocated via limited application and demonstration of appropriate licensing, MOT documentation and PPE.

By Bus.

Over a hundred buses pass within 5 minutes of AUEA. To get the latest up to date information on routes and stops across Birmingham please visit:  http://www

A comprehensive map of stops around the university can also be found on the AUEA website.

By Train.

AUEA is within 10mins walk of Snow Hill train/metro station, and Moor Street Train station. It is 15mins walk from New Street Station.


AUEA has 34 dedicated cycle spaces for students. If you wish to cycle to and from AUEA, a cycle pass needs to be obtained from The Point. To obtain this pass, you will have to demonstrate that they have a lock to use, and that a spare key for the lock is handed into the Academy inside a labelled (name, College and Tutor) envelope.

Students who are cycling also need to demonstrate that they use a cycle helmet; this is reinforced by continued medical studies and reports from the British Medical Association highlighting the importance of cycle helmets. AUEA is also able to arrange cycle training for students.


Whether you are cycling, walking from home,  the bus stop or the train station, we understand  the importance of your safety within a city.

Students will be trained in personal safety and  road safety as part of their induction into the Academy. With the new crossings around campus and especially across James Watt Queensway, there should not be any need for students to use subways or underpasses. All students are required  to register their mode of transport to and from AUEA, to allow us to monitor and group  students into travel parties.

Staff members are  also commuting by public transport and will be around  the city centre before and after school. If you have any specific concerns about a route or  change mode of transport, please notify AUEA immediately.


There is an extensive canal network around Birmingham and indeed next to our amazing site. Canal towpaths can offer quick routes across the city. However, these routes can also be isolated and therefore we don’t recommend students walking alone along canal routes. Canal and water safety should also be followed and at no point should students enter any water, play around locks or interfere with canal equipment or boats.

Going Off Site.

  • At any point during the day, Students must sign in and  out at main reception using their ID.

  • Students may arrive later at AUEA or leave earlier if they have independent study.

  • On Monday students may be off site depending on their selected project or professional learning.

  • Year 12/13 students are allowed off site for lunch on Mondays and Thursdays.