
Young people taking their first steps towards a new career need the right blend of technical and academic skills in order to become the highly skilled, work-ready individuals employers and universities look for. 

BTEC Level 3 Nationals are vocational qualifications designed to help your learners succeed. They have been developed in collaboration with over 5,000 universities, employers and professional bodies with employability at the heart, so your learners can develop the skills and confidence they will need to step into their future.

Why choose BTEC? 


The course has been designed to meet the expectations of universities and employers by providing students a business working environment experience.

 Students will gain in depth theoretical knowledge but also have the opportunity to apply it to practical and real life scenarios.

 The Course opens up with Unit One Exploring Enterprises, which gives an insight into the features of an enterprise, what makes them successful, organisation, examination of business markets, business environments and looking at the role and contribution of innovation and technology.

The 2-year course comprises of mandatory and optional units in year 1 and 2. These units spilt into internally and externally assessed units. Below are the externally assessed mandatory units you will complete.

 Below highlights the Mandatory Units you must complete and our current optional units. Please be aware the optional units are subject to change.

Externally assessed unit to complete over the two years course: 

Mandatory Units

Optional Units (Subject to change)

Exploring Business

Recruitment and selection Process

Developing a Marketing Campaign

Investigating Customer Service

Personal and Business Finance

Digital Marketing

Managing and Event

English Legal System

International Business

Corporate Social Responsibility

Principles of Management

Investigating Market Research

Business Decision Making



Externally Assessed and Mandatory units 

Developing a Marketing Campaign

Personal and Business Finance

Principles of Management

Business Decision Making

In the first year of your course, you will complete Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign and Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance

In the second year of your course, you will complete Unit 6: Principles of Management and Unit 7: Business Decision Making 

Complementary Subjects.

Maths English

Career Pathways.

Students are able to focus on a business pathway that has a well-structured curriculum covering; Exploring Enterprise, Marketing, Finance, Management, Recruitment, Law and other areas that complement the diverse interests of our students.

The Business sector/industry covers a wide range of employment opportunities and services that business students can potentially train, graduate and work their way up to. These opportunities can fall within the private and public sector organisations.

Careers in the Business sector could be:

Entrepreneur: Run your own business and be your own boss if you have an innovative and unique.

Human Resources: For someone working n HR their role can vary from planning and coordinating the workforce, resolving issues between management and employees, advising managers on policies and regulations like equal opportunity. Their role can also involve recruitment and hiring as well as direct disciplinary procedures.

Management Consultancy: They work with businesses to improve their performance by providing expert advice to solve problems and encourage growth. They work with businesses across a wide range of sectors, including business strategy, finance, HR and marketing.

Financial Analyst: Researches macroeconomic and microeconomic conditions along with company fundamentals to make business, sector and industry recommendations. They often recommend a course of action, such as to buy or sell a company's stock based upon its overall current and predicted strength.

Management Accountant: They work for public companies, private businesses, and government agencies. Their duties include recording and crunching numbers, helping to choose and manage company investments, risk management, budgeting, planning, strategizing, and decision-making.

Actuarial: actuaries use their skills to help measure the probability and risk of future events.

Careers Page

Student Views.

'BTEC Business at AUEA has made me understand how the ‘Business World’ operates globally and how important it is to BE the best in order to ACHIEVE the best! This fun and interactive course has helped me develop communication, time management and decision-making skills which will further enhance my persona in the future. Thanks to the teachers at AUEA, I am more confident in dealing with day to day situations.'

- Aishah Amin

'I have really enjoyed Btec Business this year. Our knowledgeable teachers have taught us many useful topics in a friendly informative manner which means it is very easy to ask questions. Studying at Aston gives us useful links to the University and being a smaller sixth form means we get more attention from tutors.'

- Intissar B'Hanley