The BTEC Extended Diploma in Biomedical Science is a vocational qualification designed to reflect aspects of employment in a scientific organisation through enabling leaners to develop their practical and communicative skills. This qualification is suited to learners who would prefer portfolio based assessment of their abilities covering various aspects of forensic science.
This course will offer those students who would like to study Level 3 Science but have not achieved the necessary grades for an A-level course or prefer a vocational portfolio based learning environment. This course will still allow pupils who want to pursue further education into healthcare science to do so. This course may not be suitable for students wishing to study medicine, dentistry or attend Oxbridge.
Entry requirements: 4 or above in Combined Science/Separate Sciences and 4 or above in English and 5 or above in Maths (average GCSE point score 4.8 or above)
Career Pathways.
Laboratory technician, forensic scientist, audiology, armed forces, biologist, biochemist, pharmacy, teaching, forensic psychologist, optometry, radiography, paramedic science, nursing and midwifery.
If you require further information on any aspect of the course you should contact the following:

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Biomedical Science is worth 1080 points- equivalent to 3 A levels.
Each unit can be achieved at a Pass (equivalent to grade E), Merit (equivalent to grade C) and Distinction (equivalent to A).
Each unit will be assessed through various methods including scientific laboratory reports, photographs, presentations, essays and technical drawings.
Teaching Units, Assessment Method and Weighting.