This course is ideal for anyone wanting a career in the national health service or social care sector.
What is a T Level? T Levels are qualifications approved and managed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.
A T Level is a technical study programme, aimed at preparing young people for work, higher-level apprenticeships or higher education (HE). It comprises 5 key components:
• an approved Technical Qualification, which includes the opportunity to specialise in at least one occupational role
• a minimum of 315 hours of industry placement with an external employer
• English, mathematics and digital requirements; students will have to achieve a minimum of Level 2 mathematics and English in order to achieve a T Level
• Employability, Enrichment, and Pastoral (EEP) elements
Over the 2-year programme, students will develop threshold competence, which the Institute defines as: ‘The level of competence deemed by employers as sufficient to secure employment in roles relevant to an occupational specialism. Achievement of threshold competence signals that a learner is well placed to develop full occupational competence, with further support and development, once in work.’
Career Pathways.
A Health and Science T Level could support progression on to a wide variety of degree courses, such as:
Healthcare Science Degree BSc (Hons)
Healthcare Science Associate Apprenticeship (L4)
Technician scientist Apprenticeship (L5)
Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)
Midwifery Degree BSc (Hons)
Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons)
Foundation Degree in Children and Young People
Working with Children, Young People and Families BA (Hons) BSc (Hons) Nursing (Child)
Children and Young People’s Nursing BSc (Hons)
Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons).
Job roles at age 18 directly, after completing the T Level could include:
- Emergency Case Assistant
- Healthcare Assistant
- Care Worker
- Palliative Care Assistant
- Dental Nurse
- Ambulance Care Assistant
If you require further information on any aspect of the course you should contact the following:

For information on the assessment.
Teaching Units, Assessment Method and Weighting.
Health - Adult Nursing - Midwifery
All students will develop a eneral understanding of health and science:
working within the health and science sector
health, safety and environmental regulations
managing information and data principles of good scientific and clinical
core science concepts including the structure of cells, tissues and large molecules, genetics, microbiology and immunology
understanding the healthcare sector providing person-centred care supporting health and
further knowledge of both human anatomy and physiology and of diseases and disorders infection prevention and control.
The core component will be assessed by two exams and an employer set project.
You will specialise in either Midwifery or Adult Nursing.
The occupational specialism will allow you to develop the relevant skills in preparation for your career in the health sector. The occupational specialism in assessed by a project that is created in conjunction with employers. The content covers topics specific to that aspect of the health sector
• Case studies and practical assessments related to patient-centred care in a nursing context
OR Midwifery
• Case studies and practical assessments related to patient-centred care in a midwifery context