The qualification will demonstrate you are able to analyse data and use Mathematics in everyday situations, these are some of the skills which are vital to organisations such as banks, Accountancy firms and lawyers. Many large companies also require staff who are statistically able in order to analyse data and make predictions about the future which will allow them to save money.
Mathematics surrounds us in our everyday lives from going to the shops to paying bills, even simply driving to work and managing our bank balances. By studying this qualification students will gain a greater insight into how the skills they have been taught in a Mathematics classroom are applied to everyday tasks. Are the numbers on my pay cheque correct? Have I paid the correct amount of tax? How is my tax calculated? Which mortgage deal is the best? These are some of the questions we all face throughout our lives but are we able to understand the Mathematics behind making such decisions? Upon successful completion of the qualification students will be more able to make informed, life changing decisions based on their own knowledge rather than simply trusting what a bank manager or mortgage advisor may tell them.
Students will use the skills they gained in their GCSE qualifications and apply them to real life problems from the start, as well as carrying out the statistical analysis of data in order to make informed decisions. Some of the Mathematics can be academically challenging which will require a mature, focused and determined effort in order to be successful.
Complementary Subjects.
This is valuable preparation for many degree courses, particularly in subjects such as geography, psychology, business-related courses, sports and social sciences, and natural science courses that do not require AS/A level Mathematics. Core Maths qualifications equip students with the general mathematical knowledge and skills required by higher education and employment.
Career Pathways.
Mathematics provides the fundamental skills for all Engineering and Science fields and for many courses is a compulsory subject. Equally Mathematics is highly valued by wider professions such as law, accountancy, economics, veterinary and medicine, as the analytic skills taught in Mathematics underpin the skills required to be successful in these careers.
If you require further information on any aspect of the course you should contact the following:

Teaching Units, Assessment Method and Weighting.
• Maths for personal finance
• Estimation
60 marks
• Students must answer all questions.
• Scientific or graphical calculators can be used in the assessment.
• Formulae sheet available
• Critical analysis of given data and models (including spreadsheet and tabular)
• The normal distribution
• Probabilities and estimations
• Correlation and regression
• Critical analysis of given data and models (including spreadsheet and tabular)
• Critical path and risk analysis
• Expectation
• Cost benefit analysis
• Critical analysis of given data and models (including spreadsheet and tabular)
• Graphical methods
• Rates of change
• Exponential functions
60 marks
• Students must answer all questions.
• Students will be expected to draw on the mathematical content of paper 1.
• Scientific or graphical calculators can be used in the assessment.
• Formulae sheets available.