Students who want to develop their independent study, research and report writing skills should opt to complete an Extended Project Qualification alongside their normal studies. The qualification will allow Year 13 students to enjoy the freedom of working on their own and provide them with key skills that universities and advanced apprenticeships are looking for; it will help ‘to make students different’ and stand out from the crowd. Students will have the opportunity to undertake the EPQ in Year 13; whether it is a dissertation report or the manufacturing of a product, students can personalise their project to complement their studies or research an area of interest.
Complementary Subjects.
The EPQ can sit alongside any combination of study at AUEA and can complement all subjects and pathways. Due to the project being chosen by the students, it can be a project that is closely linked to an area of current study or it can be an opportunity to study a personal interest. Either way, the project will help students develop the necessary skills required for Higher Education and advanced pathways.
Career Pathways.
Time management, project planning, obtaining research, analysing information are a selection of many skills that students will develop, therefore studying the EPQ alongside other combinations of study will complement any career pathway.
Students who use the EPQ as a focus for valued content within the personal statement are looked upon favourably.
- Cambridge/OxfordAt Aston University we note that more students are applying to us with an EPQ qualification or similar independent learning opportunities alongside their A levels. We welcome the academic and research experience these can give students and the opportunity to link their A level subjects/BTEC together.
If you require further information on any aspect of the course you should contact the following:

Students are assessed on their journey through the project and the progress they make. Students will be assessed in how they plan, manage and evaluate their work rather than on the final outcome of the project itself. It is worth up to 70 UCAS points depending on this journey.