History is split into two distinctive topics, firstly in the study of The Past is Present Project and secondly with the topic Medicine and Culture Across Time. The Past is Present Project has been created in conjunction with Dr Lucinda Matthews-Jones, Liverpool John Moore.https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/staff-profiles/faculty-of-arts-professional-and-social-studies/humanities-and-social-science/lucinda-matthews-jones The Past is Present Project looks to delve deeper into the key concepts: - History is not neutral. It is interpretative - You and your family are a part of history Thus through reviewing topics such, the role of the historian in history, who owns history, how we understanding the concept of home and the importance of public history and the challenges faced in when considering public history. Once students have considered these topics they will work on drafting, creating and developing their own past stories projects using the historical skills learnt. The project will focus on People, Places, Things of their choice. With the key consideration at all time of what part of their history do they want to have represented. That we can find the extraordinary in the ordinary of moment. That their history deserves to be represented and recorded. The second part of their history project is to focus on Medicine and Culture Across Time. Within this section they will focus on the topics: - Islamic Medicine - British Medicine - Women in Medicine - African-American Medicine - Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy Throughout their study of History they will be developing the following historical skills: Historical Skill One: Primary Sources* Historical Skill Two: Understanding how historical knowledge is made Historical Skill Three: Oral History Historical Skill Four: Secondary Sources* Historical Skill Five: Interpreting Images Historical Skill Six: History Ownership Reading a variety of source material: allows students to delve deeper in to the 5 W’s; Where, Who, When, What, Why The named skills will not only support them in the study of the subject. They can be transferred to all their subjects. |
Complementary Subjects.
This course will contextualise English and support your wider literacy.